Directed by Jean Cristofol, Cédric Parizot and Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary
The second issue apprehends fiction as a strategy that tends, through it effect of realty, to introduce stimulating gaps, disturbances and incoherences in what appears as naturally given. Through this, it assess the role that fiction can play in the renewal of our questionings around 21st century’s borders.
Table of contents
– Jean Cristofol, Introduction: fiction and border
– Elena Biserna, Soundborderscapes: Lending a Critical Ear to the Border
– Thomas Cantens, The Political Artithmetic of Borders: Towards an Enlightened Form of Criticism
– Charles Heller et Lorenzo Pezzani, Drifting Images, Liquid Traces: Disrupting the Aesthetic Regime of the EU’s Maritime Frontier
– Raafat Mazjoub, Writing as Architecture: Performing Reality until Reality Complies
– Stéphane Rosière, International Borders, Between Materialisation and Dematerialisation
– Johan Schimanski, Glass Borders