Atelier Limo
Border Bistro
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Le Café du Centre, Le Stade, La Maison du Peuple, The Snug Pub, Le Gambrinus, Café Brem, Le Cercle Saint-Georges, Café der Pley, Haas Casino… Le web-documentaire Border Bistro de l’Atelier Limo propose de revivre le déroulé de 9 journées passées dans 9 cafés le long de la frontière linguistique belge et de reconstituer des discussions de comptoir sur la base d’interviews effectuées sur place.
Atelier Limo
Enquête frontalière
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What does a border look like in space? How can we understand a geographic 3000 kms line?
The „Frontier Survey“ database offers 238 interactive sheets, describing in their own way the reality of unusual places, for they were located on a border that separated the elder EU-countries from the new ones in the heart of the continent until December 2007. Conducted during the summer of 2006, this gathering of information in the form of photographs, interviews, texts, diagrams and sound pick-ups builds up living evidence and status reports one year before the demolition of frontier infrastructures and the ending of controls following the entry of 9 new countries in the Schengen Area. Given their geographic location and their history, these places are at the heart of the stakes of the European expansion, and are therefore now living important changes.
L’atelier Limo : Simon Brunel, Nicolas Pannetier et Maya Keifenheim
Simon Brunel is born in 1982 in Boulogne sur mer (F). Diploma of Architect at Lille’s School of Architecture and Landscape (DPLG) in 2007. Various experiences as an architect in France and in Berlin. Invited in 2007/2008 via the DAAD organism at the European Viadrina University of Frankfurt/Oder (D) to the Visual Anthropology Seminar in order to developp the project of touring film „The Barriers Within“. Setting up of the Limo Workshop with N. Pannetier.
Nicolas Pannetier is born in 1977 in Bordeaux (F). Musician and architect, diploma of Architect at Lille’s School of Architecture and Landscape (DPLG) in 2007. Various experiences as an architect in France and Austria. Invited in 2007/2008 via the DAAD organism at the European Viadrina University of Frankfurt/Oder (D) to the Visual Anthropology Seminar in order to develop the project of touring film „The Barriers Within“. Interpreter and composer notably for the original soundtrack of the film „The Barriers Within“.
Maya Keifenheim est artiste, réalisatrice et pédagogue. Après des études de philosophie et de sciences en communication et média, elle s’est engagée dans de nombreux projets dans les domaines du film et du théâtre. Elle était récemment à la tête du département de production vidéo de la compagnie berlinoise Sofatutor. Depuis 2012, elle est active au sein d’Atelier Limo.