Special issue of Security Dialogue about securing the border. Edited by Karine Côté-Boucher, Federica Infantino and Mark B. Salter
The ambition of this special issue is to contribute to contemporary scholarly analyses of border security by bringing more focus onto a specific field of inquiry: the practices of the plurality of power-brokers involved in the securing of borders. Border security is addressed from the angle of the everyday practices of those who are appointed to carry it out; considering border security as practice is essential for shedding light on contemporary problematizations of security. Underscoring the methodological specificity of fieldwork research, we call for a better grounding of scholarship within the specific agencies intervening in bordering spaces in order to provide detailed analyses of the contextualized practices of security actors.
Informations to access the publication on SAGE Journal website
Frederica Infantino et Andrea Rea : publications
Infantino, Federica. Bordering «fake» marriages? The everyday practices of control at the consulates of Belgium, France and Italy in Casablanca. Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, 2014, vol. 7, no 1, p. 27-48.
Infantino, Federica et REA, Andrea. La mobilisation d’un savoir pratique local: attribution des visas Schengen au Consulat général de Belgique à Casablanca. Sociologies pratiques, 2012, no 1, p. 67-78.
See the presentations of Frederica Infantino and Andrea Rea at the international conference colloque