Numéro thématique de la revue Security Dialogue consacré aux pratiques de sécurisation des frontières : Border Security as Practice. Edité par Karine Côté-Boucher, Federica Infantino, et Mark B. Salter
Résumé :
The ambition of this special issue is to contribute to contemporary scholarly analyses of border security by bringing more focus onto a specific field of inquiry: the practices of the plurality of power-brokers involved in the securing of borders. Border security is addressed from the angle of the everyday practices of those who are appointed to carry it out; considering border security as practice is essential for shedding light on contemporary problematizations of security. Underscoring the methodological specificity of fieldwork research, we call for a better grounding of scholarship within the specific agencies intervening in bordering spaces in order to provide detailed analyses of the contextualized practices of security actors.
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Frederica Infantino et Andrea Rea : publications
Infantino, Federica. Bordering «fake» marriages? The everyday practices of control at the consulates of Belgium, France and Italy in Casablanca. Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, 2014, vol. 7, no 1, p. 27-48.
Infantino, Federica et REA, Andrea. La mobilisation d’un savoir pratique local: attribution des visas Schengen au Consulat général de Belgique à Casablanca. Sociologies pratiques, 2012, no 1, p. 67-78.
Voir les présentations de Frederica Infantino et Andrea Rea au colloque international