La Compagnie, Marseille, 2013-2014

Group show
December 13, 2013 – March 1st, 2014
La compagnie, lieu de création, Marseille

Works by Boats 4 people & Forensic Oceanography, Collectif Daar, Masaki Fujihata, Atelier hypermédia, Nicola Mai, Stephanos Mangriotis, Migreurop and Ken Rinaldo
Curated by Isabelle Arvers and Paul-Emmanuel Odin

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Photographs: Myriam Boyer

The antiAtlas of Borders presents collaborative works between hard sciences researchers, social sciences researchers and artists. It produced two unique transdisciplinary works: Samira, an ethno-fiction by Nicola Mai, filmmaker and ethnographer, and a video game on border crossing, A Crossing Industry, which was created by the hypermedia atelier of the Ecole d’Art d’Aix en Provence under the direction of Douglas Edric Stanley drawing on the fieldwork of the anthropologist Cédric Parizot.

The exhibition at La Compagnie follows the one at the Tapestry Museum, offering multiple levels of engagement: visitors will enter a transmedia documentation space and participate in interactive, artistic and transdisciplinary artworks. They will interact directly with video games, wall images or installations created by international artists: Masaki Fujihata associates computer generated imagery with GPS data in order to represent the topographic and temporal coordinates of borders; Kenneth Rinaldo intersects drones with hoovers in the context of a robotic artwork evoking the intrusion of securitizing technologies into the private domain (an exclusive creation for the antiAtlas). We emphasize the dimensions of engagement and participation in order to mirror and show the degree to which we are all directly concerned by the transformation of borders. The public will have access to interactive maps and will be able to participate in workshops on video game diversions regarding these issues. We are also organizing evening screenings and debates on issues including the border economy, border fictions, the camp of Rivesaltes and many others.

La compagnie – creative space continues an experience of welcoming and creating transdisciplinary exhibitions that travel and cross borders. It offers an exhibition space dedicated to the presentation of contemporary images (past events include large installations by Gary Hill and Thierry Kuntzell and photos by Myr Muratet). The space was renovated by the architect Rudy Ricciotti in 1996.


Ken Rinaldo, Drone Eat Drone: American Scream

DAAR Collective, Decolonizing Architecture, 2012

Boats 4 people & Forensic Oceanography, Watch the Med, 2013

Migreurop, , Carte dynamique des étrangers détenus aux frontières des États, 2012

Stephanos Mangriotis, Europa Inch’Allah, 2009-2010

Nicola Mai, Samira, 2013

Hypermédia workshop, A crossing Industry, 2013

Masaki Fujihata, Field Work@Alsace, 2004 – 2005


Le Camp de Rivesaltes: films by Till Roeskens (2005), Serge Lesquer (2009), Claire Angelini, 2011

Border Economy, film by Lucas Bambozzi, De Outro Lado do Rio/Across the River, 2004

Machinima workshop with Isabelle Arvers et Ahmed El Shaer

Online gallery

This gallery completes and augments the exhibitions with artworks, interactive artworks, pieces from videasts and photographers who deal about the questions raised by the antiAtlas:

Clémence Lehec, Laurent Davin, Street art on the separation wall

Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot, Cyclone Kingkrab & Piper Sigma

Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot, Arctic tactic

Julie Chansel et Michaël Mitz, La machine à expulser

Patrick Lichty, The private life of a drone

Alban Biaussat, The Green(er) Side of the Line

Romain de l’Ecotais, Au pied du mur

Ben Fundis, Clara Long, John Drew, Border stories

Olga Kisseleva, Arctic Conquistadors

Martin De Wulf, Migrations map

Joana Moll, AZ: move and get shot

L’atelier Limo : Simon Brunel, Nicolas Pannetier and Maya Keifenheim, Border Bistro et Enquete frontalière


Institut Méditerranéen de Recherches Avancées (AMU), Marseille
Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence
Laboratoire PACTE (Université de Grenoble Alpes/CNRS)
Isabelle Arvers, commissaire d’exposition indépendante, Marseille
La compagnie, lieu de création à Marseille


Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Réseau Français des Instituts d’Études Avancées (RFIEA), Labex RFIEA+, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Euborderscapes (Union Européenne, FP7), Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM – AMU/CNRS), Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie (LAMES – AMU/CNRS), Laboratoire d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail (LEST- AMU/CNRS), Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone (LERMA-AMU), Laboratoire d’Arts, Sciences, Technologies pour la Recherche Audiovisuelle Multimédia (ASTRAM-AMU), Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (MMSH), LabexMed, Information Media production, Aviso Events, MarseilleProvence 2013 (MP 2013), ville d’Aix-en-Provence, Organisation Mondiale des Douanes (OMD)

Media Partners

Télérama, Arte, PARIS Art, Culture Science en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Journal of Borderlands Studies, Perspectives (journal du RFIEA), L’Espace Politique, Ventilo (journal culturel bimensuel), MCD (Musiques et Cultures Digitales), Digitalarti, Poptronics, Digicult