Power Brokers and their ‘Clients’: Investigating the Relation between Migration Control Practices and would-be Travelers/Migrants Strategies [EN]

Call for Papers: Power Brokers and their ‘Clients’: Investigating the Relation between Migration Control Practices and would-be Travelers/Migrants Strategies

IPSA/AISP 24th World Congress of Political Science July 23-28, 2016 | Istanbul, Turkey

Submission deadline 7 October 2015
Language: English

Convenor: Dr. Federica Infantino
Chair: Mr. Hugo Bréant
Co-chair: Dr. Federica Infantino
Session: RC32 Public Policy and Administration

The control of international mobility and of the legal departure of migrants has increased in the last decades. State and non-state actors are involved in the management of migrations. Migration control aims at filtering individuals according to normative criteria. However, we know little about the ways in which power brokers and prospective migrants shape such control on the ground. This panel proposes to investigate how migration control on the ground creates inequalities and how inequalities are challenged in the everyday.

We invite communications that focus on the analysis of ‘street-level bureaucracies’ and their daily work of law application. Who are the actors asked to manage migrations in practice? How do the organizational role, personal representations, discretionary power legally framed and the reorganization of tasks (via the cooperation with non-state actors for instance) locally shape migration control? We invite also communications that analyze the recipients of control and their coping mechanisms. Who are those who succeed? Do they conform to the role assigned by the institution? How do they adapt to this « law-in-action » ? Do their behavior disturb the standards of the institution? The panel welcomes also proposals that address the interactions between state practices and would-be migrants strategies. We encourage proposals that build on comparative research design.

Outsourcing Border Control

Federica INFANTINO, 2016, Outsourcing Border Control. Politics and Practice of Contracted Visa Policy in Morocco. Palgrave MacMillan US, Mobility and Politics Series.

This book explores the everyday practices of border control and implementation of mobility policy in the European Schengen area by analyzing consular visas services on the edges of the territory. Using an original case study, private contractors that implement EU visa policy on governments’ behalf, the author focuses on visa application centers located in Morocco and run by the two major contractors of European Member States, the transnational corporations VFSGlobal and TLSContact. The analysis builds on ethnographic research that encompasses the making of EU visa policy at the European, national and local levels. It aims at uncovering the reasons that have led to the adoption of outsourcing as a normal and legitimized mode to implement EU visa policy and the effects of that choice.

Dr. Federica Infantino is FNRS postdoctoral research fellow at the Group for Research on Ethnic Relations, Migration and Equality (GERME), Université Libre de Bruxelles. She holds a PhD in political and social sciences from Université Libre de Bruxelles and a PhD in political science, comparative political sociology, from Sciences Po Paris. Federica’s main research interest focus on the day-to-day implementation of migration and border control in comparative perspective.

Atelier 5 : Bilan de l’année 2011-2012

6 et 7 décembre 2012
Maison des Astronomes, IMéRA,
2, place Le Verrier
13004 Marseille

Organisation: Cédric Parizot (IMéRA/CNRS-IREMAM)

Ce séminaire de recherche s’articulera autour de trois axes : un bilan des réflexions développées dans notre programme au cours de l’année 2011-2012 ; la présentation d’approches transdisciplinaires de la frontière ; et enfin, la préparation de l’exposition l’Anti Atlas des frontières qui se tiendra au Musée des Tapisseries d’Aix-en-Provence en octobre 2013.

Retour sur les ateliers de la première année

Antoine Vion (sociologue, LEST, AMU)
Réseaux et frontières

Stéphane Rosière (géographe, HABITER, Université de Reims)
Matérialisation, dématérialisation des frontières

Anne Laure Amilhat-Szary (PACTE, Université Joseph Fournier, Grenoble)
Aux frontières de l’art et de la science

Explorations transdisciplinaires

Cédric Parizot (IMéRA, IREMAM, CNRS), Antoine Vion (Sociologue, LEST, AMU), Wouter Van den Broeck (Data visualization, ISI Foundation, Turin, Italie; Addith.be)
De la contrebande à la visualisation des réseaux: Cartographier un parcours anthropologique entre Israël et les Territoires occupés palestiniens (2005-2010)

Douglas Edric Stanley (Hypemédia, Game-Art, Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence)
Vous avez été mangé par une grue ! Navigation spatiale et jeux vidéos

Olivier Clochard (Géographe, MIGRINTER, CNRS, ADES/Terre Ferme)
Où est la frontière?

Frontières, images, exposition

Jean Cristofol (Philosophe, Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix en Provence)
Art et représentation

Isabelle Arvers (commissaire de l’exposition l’antiAtlas des Frontières)
Présentation du scénario de l’exposition l’antiAtlas des Frontières (octobre- novembre 2013)


IMéRA (Aix-Marseille Université), Ecole supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence, Laboratoire PACTE (Université de Grenoble), Institut de Recherche et d’Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM, CNRS-AMU), Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie (LAMES, CNRS-AMU), Aix-Marseille Université, Réseau Français des Instituts d’Etudes Avancées (RFIEA), Région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, CNRS

Photo: Myriam Boyer, 2012